In this artical you will know about GSTR 5A, OIDAR Service, Due date, Modes of preparing and it's Procedure.

What is GSTR 5A?

Filing GSTR 5 is very important for those who provide Online Information and Database Access (OIDAR) or Retrieval service to unregistered customers. Regardless of transactions and business deals, the form is required to be filed every month.

What is OIDAR?

OIDAR is an online information and database access or retrieval. In addition, these services are received online by recipients without any face-to-face or physical interface with the supplier of these services. In this scenario of modernization, businesses are not tied at the national level but provide services all over the world using the Internet. OIDAR has been brought under GST to ensure that domestic service providers are not wasted and they are getting equal opportunities every term.

For any service to be an OIDAR service, two conditions must be met. These include:

  • Providing online services, ie on the Internet or electronic network or

  • The services provided need to be automated without any or minimal human intervention.

OIDAR services include

  • advertising on the internet;

  • cloud services;

  • offering ebooks, movies, music, software, and other intangibles through telecommunication networks or the internet;

  • providing data or information, retrievable or otherwise, to any person in electronic form through a computer network;

  • Supplying online digital content (e.g. movies, television shows, music, and the like);

  • digital data storage; and

  • online gaming

What is the last date to file GSTR 5A?

As per the Act, non-resident OIDAR service providers should file Form GSTR 5A by 20 April 2021. Filing of GSTR 5A is mandatory, even if there are no transactions in a particular month.

Modes of preparing GSTR 5A

GSTR 5A can be prepared using the following modes:

  • Online entry of data after logging on GST portal

  • Using the third-party application of Application Software Provider (ASP) through GST Facility Providers (GSPs).

The procedure of filing GSTR 5A

Table 1: GSTIN of the service provider

Table 2: Name of the registered taxpayer and trade name

Table 3: Name of the legal representative in India who is presenting the return on behalf of India

Table 4: Period (month & year) for filing the return

Table 5:Taxable outward supplies entrusted to service users in India including tax rate, taxable value, description of the place of supply, cess, and integrated tax.

Table 5A: Amendment of taxable outward supplies entrusted to non-taxable persons in the country for the tax period

Table 6: Evaluation of penalty, interest, and any other amount

Table 7: Late fee, tax interest, and any other chargeable or paid amount

After it is completed, an acknowledgment is sent and the taxpayer is automatically notified via an email.

Late file Fee/Penalty GSTR 5A

For delay in filing a GSTR-5A penalty for:

  1. Normal Return - 50/-

  2. NIL Return - 20/-

Difference between GSTR 5 and GSTR 5A

Although there is very little difference between GSTR 5 and GSTR 5A -


  1. GSTR 5 is a filing form filed by NRIs.

  2. They are required to file every 20th of the following month.

  3. The form contains all the details of the sale and purchase.


  1. Whereas GSTR 5A is a return form that needs to be filed by NRI online service providers or online information and database access or retrieval (OIDAR).

  2. Service providers who provide their online services in India and earn revenue in return.

Disclaimer: This article is intended for general consumption only. The information in the article was accurate at the time of publication, but it is subject to change due to changes in government rules and regulations. The contents of the blog may not be copied unless prior permission is obtained.

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